A Devastating Alternate Second World War

June 15, 2018

Couple of housekeeping items....

I have revived the old shatteredworld.net domain and the Facebook Group....




Unknown said...

Don't use twitter so I can' follow you on it.

Been a reader of Shattered World since 2000 & would enjoy it's revival.

Robert Kay Ikari said...

Post your story little by little as a serial on Royal Road Legends. It is the easiest way to get new readers these days. Of course post them here too...

tetsuo said...

yah please follow up. I still think the Nazis wont win the USA and GB have the far advantage of nukes. Even if Germany nukes a American city, it will just enrage the US public. In fact, I can see, USA is a bit ahead in miniturizing nukes to fit to a missle, like instead of bombers, I see missles with nukes raining down on Germany from the UK.